Fortaleza Reznor
I need another ear or music trebles FLVP3jF¡Bienvenido a Fortaleza Reznor!
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Fortaleza Reznor
I need another ear or music trebles FLVP3jF¡Bienvenido a Fortaleza Reznor!
¿Que es Fortaleza Reznor?
Fortaleza Reznor es un foro de SMWH (Super Mario World Hacking) Aquí modificamos (hackeamos) el juego de Mario World a nuestro gusto y enseñamos a otros a saber a manejar el hacking de SMW usando la famosa herramienta "Lunar Magic".

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Fortaleza Reznor
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 I need another ear or music trebles

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Shelless Green Koopa
Shelless Green Koopa

Posts Posts : 6

I need another ear or music trebles Empty
MensajeTema: I need another ear or music trebles   I need another ear or music trebles EmptyJue Mayo 11, 2017 9:43 am

I need an extra ear. I'm making a smw hack and I have a music composer and I'm having him soundtrack for me and I don't think I have the ear for music I think I do and I may be misleading him from the direction I want. I'm having my composer compose the forest song from Donkey Kong and I'm thinking it doesn't sound right when it probable does. To me it sounds it could be fuller I don't know I have two versions of the spc and I need other opinion.
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I need another ear or music trebles Empty
MensajeTema: Re: I need another ear or music trebles   I need another ear or music trebles EmptyJue Mayo 11, 2017 1:43 pm

This is a forum is Spanish, if you need help in English you should go to [Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver este vínculo]. If you just want the DCK soundtrack though, it's already been ported in the [Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver este vínculo].
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Shelless Green Koopa
Shelless Green Koopa

Posts Posts : 6

I need another ear or music trebles Empty
MensajeTema: Re: I need another ear or music trebles   I need another ear or music trebles EmptyJue Mayo 11, 2017 2:41 pm

Like I said to ninetailes as long as I am an active member there should't be a problem with me staying. As to SMWC well it's a long story and I rather not do back and let's leave it at that. As to my post you misunderstand it. I already have someone composing it and as to this day there is no one that was compose Donkey Kong for the gameboy (not the SNES like your thinking)
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I need another ear or music trebles Empty
MensajeTema: Re: I need another ear or music trebles   I need another ear or music trebles Empty

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I need another ear or music trebles

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